About our treadmills

The ECB aqua treadmill is an effective and modern system providing the user with the latest technology and performance analysis. Individual results in training and rehabilitation of each horse can therefore be reached. High quality materials and numerous safety features allow for saltwater or dry use. Advanced fitness can be reached with effective uphill training, provided by the belt incline. With the unique self-cleaning filtration system and the use of nappies, water can be used for over one month instead of weekly or daily water changes. Easy access ports beneath the treadmill allow for cleaning of sediment and dirt under the belt.

Training on the water treadmill has been proven to enhance endurance and power. Water depth, belt incline and belt speed are used to provide a controlled environment for the rehabilitation of spinal conditions or injuries of the extremities. The development of specific muscle groups can be expedited and buoyancy lowers the high pressure acting on the skeleton and tendons. Also, movement against the pressure of water motivates the horse to increase their natural movement pattern. This leads to more use of back and rear part muscles creating a stronger top line, more balance and coordination.

The ECB Aqua Treadmill is an indispensable supplement for the training and rehabilitation of horses. A relaxed, straight walk is the most effective gait to be used for aqua training, with benefits for all kinds of equestrianism.

Product features

  • user friendly, fully programmable touch operation panel

  • software: - up to 100 storable programs possible (tailor-made programs, follow-up and monitoring by the trainer)

    - self-cleaning programs, remote diagnostics, video manuals and guides

    - status of water level, running speed, belt incline and training time are displayed and can be adjusted simultaneously

  • incline option of 0-12% for uphill work, controllable in single increments

  • water level: adjustable to 120 cm (approx 3.9 feet)

  • double filtration (scudding UV) providing over four weeks of clean water

  • nappies included

  • made of marine grade stainless steel making it totally compatible with salt water

  • large safety glass windows on all sides to analyse stride and gait

  • usable as a dry treadmill

  • optional refrigeration package

  • see below for more details on the features of the ECB aqua treadmill

We are very pleased with the choice on ECB water treadmill. It is very friendly use, with an innovative technology that allows us to customize for each horse a personalized training program, with which we have had excellent results. In addition to the most advanced technology and quality of the treadmill, I have to mention the added value of after sales service, which is undoubtedly a crucial factor of success.
— Ana Elias da Costa Fernandes, Portugal
We had our ECB water treadmill installed in September and since then we have had about 20 horses on it daily with almost all the horses going on once or twice a week. It is fantastic how quickly they take to being introduced and relaxed.
— Charlie Longsdon Racing, Gloucestershire, UK